In the above link, you can read the writings of early Christians, after the New Testament and before the legalization of Christianity by emperor Constantine.
In the link below, an online dictionary with writings that some of the early christians left, organized alphabetically. Very incomplete, but growing.
A more complete work, organizing early christian beliefs, has been done by David Bercot and can be purchased here:
The same author's seminars on early Christian beliefs have been uploaded to youtube and can be seen for free:
When Enperor Constantine The Great stopped the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire, Eusebius, a Christian, wrote one of the earliest accounts of Church History. "Historia Ecclesiastica". The full text of this book is online for free, and tells us how Paul and Peter died, about the persecutions and martyrdoms, the development of The Church, from New Testament days, until the fourth century. The following links contain the book, free, online.
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